Best Review Program to Put on My Website

one) Business organisation reviews and social posts help shape a visitor's online reputation

In fact, one of the worst things a business can exercise is ignore their online reviews and social posts. As easy as information technology is to make a mistake when managing a business concern's online reputation, it tin too be easy to recover if you monitor the reviews properly .

While damage will inevitably happen, a business organization tin accept steps to mitigate the degree of impairment that can occur. The biggest error of all a company can make is not participating in helping to shape the chat about their company online.

2) Business reviews provide valuable feedback for businesses

While information technology tin can exist like shooting fish in a barrel for a visitor to take negative comments to heart, it is of import to recognize that reviews are constructive feedback. All in all, reviews are actually valuable feedback! They help a company gauge their performance and run across how they tin better. There is e'er room for improvement and a lot can be learned even from positive business concern reviews. Vendasta's white-label digital marketing agency has a team of experts that clarify and answer to hundreds of reviews every mean solar day.

Through reviews, businesses can encounter which products or services they should be boasting, which needs piece of work and even discover employees who stone at customer service. If nosotros have not yet sold you lot on the importance of online reviews, possibly these 50 stats on online reviews will.

In the tabular array below, U.S. Ranking, % U.S. Traffic and Average Monthly U.S. Traffic (unique visitors) data are sourced from Alexa.

Elevation 10 Consumer & Business organisation Review Websites

Review Website U.S. Alexa Ranking Reviews Best For Avg. Monthly U.S. Traffic % U.S. Traffic (of Total)
Google My Business 1 any business 158.03 one thousand thousand nineteen.6%
Amazon 3 e-commerce related 85.44 million 63.6%
Facebook iv whatever business 85.57 meg
Yelp 64 any business 40.47 1000000 87.5%
Trip Advisor 118 related to food, eating place, travel 28.27 million 50.4%
BBB (Better Business Agency) 647 whatever business 6.15 million 72.1%
Yellowpages 694 any business 10.5 1000000 70.0%
Manta 957 whatsoever concern 6.48 million 67.0%
Angies List ane,755 service related business organisation 5.44 1000000 72.4%
Foursquare 2,418 whatsoever business organisation, by and large restaurants 3.67 million 19.3%

Why are these the top concern review websites?

Businesses should strive to go concern reviews on business organization review websites that are going concerns, review sites that people know about (and become to) and that are relatively friction-less (sites consumers have log ins or can go in easy to go out a review).

Similar to our Top 100 Online Business concern Directories listing, we wanted to bring you another listing backed past numbers. What can we say, we like numbers, data, stats and facts!

Traffic talks folks, and the more than consumers that visit a business review site, the more they are likely to go out and read other business reviews. Let's face it, no one wants to create another login or account on another site to manage yet another password.

Related Reading: The Top x Online Existent Manor Directories

Three important customer review website tips:

1) Recall to add or merits listings on the top business organisation review sites

In that location are many niche concern review and directory websites out at that place and we take brought you a mix of the very best heavy hitters in the online review website globe.

In other words, it's a practiced idea to add or merits a listing or business profile on these review sites (unless a business doesn't fit with the niche), correct the business organization's listing information and kickoff getting more business organisation reviews!

Plus, getting a business's listing information on a directory corrected merely heeds positive commendation results, especially when listed on these big guys beneath.

2) Businesses should keep asking their customers for reviews

Request the average customer for a review can be difficult work. Granted, it is often easiest to become reviews from consumers that are either actually happy or really unhappy with the level of service they were provided.

Businesses should always remember to ask every bit customers are busy creatures and volition not remember unless they are asked nicely to leave feedback.

three) Customers are more open to leaving reviews on business review sites

With that being said, which review websites are the all-time to ask customers to get out reviews virtually a concern? Why not just ask for business reviews or testimonials on a concern'south website? Well, asking consumers to exit a review on a business concern'due south website seems a lot more screened and inauthentic than simply request consumers to leave reviews on a trusted review site.

The list of the top x business review sites

1. Google reviews Google homepage

Average monthly Us traffic (Alexa): 158.03 million

United states of america ranking (Alexa): 1

Business reviews for: whatsoever business

Google My Business is a costless tool for businesses to manage their online presence across Google, including Search and Maps. Google is the become-to search engine of option: as more and more consumers conduct multiple searches on it every day, more businesses are vying for tiptop SERP results .

Very important: Businesses must verify their information to complete their Google My Concern registration.

Google My Business puts business data on Search, Maps and Google+. Because of this, customers tin easily find a location from desktop, mobile or anything in between. Google customer reviews prove upwardly in search and are known to bolster SEO , so they are essential to the brownie of all businesses.

Google is the king of web traffic

Did you lot know that Google's search engine performs over 3.v billion searches per day ( )? Businesses should aim to be on Google's snack pack in order to exist readily found when consumers perform a local search.

Users tin can leave reviews for a business easily and only. The less friction involved in the business review process, the easier information technology is to get more reviews. Getting reviews through a business's Google My Business account is a smashing place to start.

How to get more customer reviews on Google

Step 1. Send out review requests.Available tools such every bit Client Voice can assist to simplify this procedure. Gather reviews from real customers apace and easily.

Pace ii. Link your Google review page to the business website. Much like attaching social pages to a website through their logos, you can also create this shortcut to the Google reviews page.

Step 3. Create a Google review landing page on the business organisation website. This will also exist helpful for SEO purposes every bit the reviews will have keywords. Having reviews pulled directly onto the business organization site should encourage other site visitors to exit reviews.

Step 4. Create a Google review CTA banner or push. This should live on the homepage of the business website where nigh traffic volition country. Make it as convenient as possible.

2. Amazon reviews

Amazon reviews

Average monthly US traffic (Alexa): 85.44 million

Us ranking (Alexa): three

Business reviews for: eastward-commerce related transactions

Amazon is a powerhouse. Therefore, it is no surprise that information technology is a pop get-to business review site for e-commerce products. If you don't use Amazon, yous probably know someone that has used Amazon (or uses Amazon faithfully).

In fact,  Amazon has been training consumers to utilise their review organisation for a long fourth dimension now. Therefore, we should probably thank them for helping train a mass of consumers to showtime leaving them and making it as part of an online consumer etiquette, if you will.

Amazon is much more book reviews

We may think of Amazon every bit a virtual library, but Amazon is for much more than book reviews. For companies who do any corporeality of eastward-commerce, Amazon is a fundamental source of information. While Amazon as a business concern review website is more targeted and fitting for Amazon marketplace partners, it is a worthy site to note, specially for retailers about what customers similar about certain products and how the service attribute of transactions were handled.

Did you lot know that business reviews have been a office of Amazon'south websites for over 20 years?

Some other fun fact: Amazon'south business review system was improved in 2015 to get-go weighing reviews so they are more upwards-to-appointment and helpful (cnet).

How to get more customer reviews on Amazon

Step 1. Ready automated emails to be sent mail service purchase. These can either exist to give thanks the customer for their purchase, ask for feedback, or bulldoze traffic to social channels. Make sure a link is included in the email to direct customers toward the review department.

Step ii. Use social channels to request Amazon reviews.Consumers following a business organisation on social media take likely purchased from the business before or will have a positive opinion of the business.

Footstep 3. Ask for reviews from users who reviewed similar products.Similar to an online shopping experience, you lot tin can see 'customers who bought this item also bought,' every bit well as customers who view items. These are visible from the businesses product page.

3. Facebook reviews Facebook reviews

Average monthly US traffic (Alexa): 85.57 million

US ranking (Alexa):  three

Business reviews for: any concern

Facebook is a social networking platform where users can create profiles, upload photos and videos, ship messages and keep in touch with friends, family unit and follow their favorite businesses and brands. Companies tin create business organisation profiles that users can follow and also get out business organisation reviews based on their experience with the visitor.

Customers now commonly leave reviews on social media

Consumers increasingly interact with brands through social channels, and at that place is no social platform more prevalent than Facebook. It follows, and then, that the business organisation reviews on Facebook are seen and shared by many potential customers. Businesses should have annotation of the big wins and big mistakes that a business concern can feel when opening themselves upwards to social media.

But again, please note that consumers are talking about a business whether that business is aware of it or not (and whether businesses take claimed their business profile or not). With that being said, it is pertinent that businesses are actively monitoring their social media mentions at all times.

Facebook is becoming a popular review resource

Due to the sheer size of the user base of Facebook, it is gaining momentum towards beingness one of the most pop business concern review sites. Since nigh users on the site already take a Facebook account, the process to leave a business review is relatively friction-less.

Consequently, this reduction in friction gives Facebook an advantage over other business organization review websites where users must create unique logins or log in to the site each time (compared to those consumers that are already living and breathing in Facebook).

How to get more customer reviews on Facebook

Step 1. Manage all reviews with responses. Negative reviews are as easily managed as positive reviews as long as you stay on top of them. Set notifications for reviews so that none get missed and potential customers will encounter that the business cares about the customer feel. This volition encourage more people to get out reviews.

Step 2. Ask customers to 'check-in' to the business on Facebook. This volition assistance to boost the businesses Facebook presence every bit the action of checking-in automatically shares a post with that customers' followers. The business organization name and link to its Facebook folio will show up in that post. More positive deportment on social media atomic number 82 to greater potential for reviews.

Step 3. Add a CTA button to the business website.Create a button specifically for customers to leave reviews and take information technology placed on the main folio of the business website. Endeavor to uncomplicate the human action of leaving reviews and chances of customers leaving a review will increase.

iv. Yelp reviews Yelp reviews

Boilerplate monthly US traffic (Alexa):forty.47 million

United states ranking (Alexa): 64

Business reviews for: any business

Yelp is a platform (review website and app) where users can publish reviews about local businesses. Too, Yelp trains small businesses how to respond to business reviews, host social events for Yelpers (a.k.a. Yelp reviewers) and provides data near businesses including wellness inspection scores (

Reputation management is essential on review sites

Yelp has get a name synonymous with business reviews, as the site has over 102 1000000 reviews and counting. Every bit the globe's largest outlet for online customer reviews grows, it might be time for all small businesses to outset caring about what consumers are proverb online; and more specifically, well-nigh their Yelp reviews.

review example

Epitome Source: Yelp

Consumers aren't going to give a small business any attention if all they see is negativity surrounding their Yelp client review page.

Yelp has a distinct reviewer culture of "yelpers"

Consumers who review businesses and leave business organisation reviews on Yelp have become known widely as "yelpers." Yelpers exit business reviews to help others in the community make purchasing decisions and information technology's of import for your local business clients to keep an eye on them.

Business review sites such as Yelp, bespeak to the growing importance of review monitoring to manage a business's online reputation. In summation, if we haven't won you over on Yelp yet, maybe these hilarious Yelp reviews volition .

How to get more customer reviews on Yelp

Stride one. Buy or arts and crafts Yelp reviews.This review generation tactic doesn't have to exist as dirty as it sounds. Y'all can buy reviews from actual customers by providing incentive for them to leave a review. This could include discounts, freebies, or whatever the concern is willing to merchandise for reviews. This asking will accept to be washed on the website or through social media equally Yelp will penalize businesses that inquire on their platform.

Stride 2. Display reviews on the business organisation website.ReviewTrackers recommends using widgets that tin can brandish reviews direct on a website such as Yelp badges. These should update automatically as new reviews are posted on Yelp.

South tep three. Encourage customers to check-in on Yelp.Similar to Facebook this tactic shares a businesses Yelp page with other users. It likewise rewards the customer who 'checked-in' with a special offering from that business.

v. TripAdvisor reviews Trip advisor reviews

Average monthly United states of america traffic (Alexa):28.27 million

United states of america ranking (Alexa): 118

Business organisation reviews for: any business concern

TripAdvisor is an travel website company where users tin can leave business reviews of places they've visited. Users can also book rooms, observe flights, discover to do and reserve tables at participating restaurants. TripAdvisor operates websites internationally in over 25 countries.

Male monarch of the niche: travel directories and travel related reviews

Some other fun fact:  business organization review volume occurs the highest in the travel vertical .

Apparently holiday stories must as well travel the gap between online and in person. Well, if a person really wants, at least they can avoid the holiday slide shows online. 😉

How to get more customer reviews on TripAdvisor

Stride i. Inquire guests to go out a review at the stop of their trip.This is a no brainer, but it might not e'er happen. Ensure staff are on tiptop of this since customers are more likely to leave a review when asked to practise so. If non in person then through automated emails similar discussed in the Amazon department.

Footstep two. Personalize your thank you message.In the post-experience electronic mail sent to customers, ensure information technology's personalized and includes links dorsum to the TripAdvisor page.

Step three. Brand it piece of cake to write a review.Include leading questions such as 'what was the most memorable part of your experience,' or templates that tin can exist lightly personalized for customers who are on-the-go.

half-dozen.Better Business concern Bureau reviews

Better Business Bureau reviews

Average monthly United states traffic (Alexa): 6.15 meg

US ranking (Alexa): 647

Business organisation reviews for: any business

The Meliorate Business Agency aims to help people find and recommend businesses, brands and charities they can trust (

The BBB is built on trust

Based on a business organisation rating review system, BBB educates consumers and assists people in finding trusted businesses. The Better Business Bureau tries to protect consumers from fraudulent business or scammers.

Company profiles on BBB contain a brusque company bio and a history of complaints made well-nigh the business, as well every bit an  A - F rating.

How to get more client reviews on Better Concern Agency

Step 1. Use the Client Review Generator. BBB has a tool that accredited businesses can use that sends review requests either via text message or electronic mail. All that needs to be collected from customers is their contact info and sending a text adds some other level of convenience.

Stride 2. Have advantage of BBB's customer review toolkit. This includes a customizable 'leave a review' button for the businesses website to drive traffic to the BBB review site. Sample social media posts, newsletter and blog templates, and electronic mail signatures are all included too.

Step 3.Share positive reviews.Spread the word of positivity with the businesses social media followers and post them on the businesses website. At that place'south no reason to keep a great review in one identify simply.

7. Yellowpages reviews Yellow pages reviews

Average monthly US traffic (Alexa):10.five million

US ranking (Alexa) : 694

Business reviews for: any business

YellowPages is an online internet yellow pages directory owned by YP. YP is a local marketing solutions provider that focuses on helping local businesses (and the communities within) grow.

YP: a IYP directory with big traffic book and review capabilities

Yellowpages has business review capabilities. Companies can manage their reviews on the review site after claiming a costless concern listing on their page.

How to get more than customer reviews on Yellowpages

Pace 1. Follow-up with customers.However the business organisation is able to whether that'southward electronic mail, social media, or text bulletin, reach out and ask for those reviews.

Step two. Promote where customers can leave reviews through the business on social media.Inform potential or electric current customers of which review sites the business uses, and brand sure to include a link to the website homepage. This should be where all of the CTA buttons exist to direct people to each review site.

8. Manta reviews

Manta reviews

Average monthly US traffic (Alexa): six.48 million

Usa ranking (Alexa): 957

Business reviews for: whatever business organization

Manta is an online small business organization service directory, search engine, and review site that provides minor businesses with the data to network.

Manta: a directory with solid traffic volume and review capabilities

The site helps small businesses connect and grow through their community where users tin can buy from, partner with, and connect to companies.

How to go more client reviews on Manta

Pace 1. Run an electronic mail campaign.Go on it uncomplicated, HubSpot found with a/b testing that a short and sweet inquire performed best. Another selection is to offering a chance to win something for the business such as discounts.

Step ii. Inquire satisfied customers to review the business concern at the end of a short survey.Send out a survey to bank check in with customers and include a section at the stop that asks for a positive review.

9.Angie reviews

Angies list reviews

Average monthly US traffic (Alexa): v.44 meg

US ranking (Alexa): 1,755

Business organisation reviews for: service-related businesses

Angie is a service listing and review website that offers user-based rankings and reviews of service professionals in local areas.

Angie reviews are from members

Because Angie is a paid review site, information technology is known to be less filled with rambling reviews from customers and spam. Members course companies using a report bill of fare scale from A-F on cost, quality, responsiveness, punctuality, and professionalism.

Angie is divided into categories such equally house, auto, health, pets, and services.

How to become more than customer reviews on Angie

Step 1. Pay for 'verified neighbor' reviews. Angie (formerly Angie'south List) only allows members to post reviews on this site through the organisation mentioned above.  Businesses can sign upwardly to the platform for free and access their reviews from the business profile folio.

Step ii. Evidence customers how leaving a review tin benefit them.Businesses use data from reviews to meliorate their products and services. The more reviews left, the more consumer data that business concern will accept to build from.

10.Foursquare reviews

Foursquare reviews

Average monthly US traffic (Alexa): three.67 one thousand thousand

US ranking (Alexa): 2,418

Business reviews for: whatsoever business organisation, mostly restaurants

Foursquare is a local search and discovery service mobile app. The app helps users discover new places/businesses through other Foursquare business reviews.

Foursquare is a powerful social media review tool

Users can permit friends know where they are and detect out where their friends are. Users can too collect points, prize badges, and coupons for checking in at places. In any instance, with 55 million monthly active users, Foursquare is a powerful forcefulness to monitor customer loyalty and feedback.

How to get more customer reviews on Square

Step 1. Use Foursqure'south sister app Swarm.Swarm focuses on check-in'south like Facebook, and sharing with friends in that network.

Step 2. Sign upward for an account.The business may already be on Foursquare because anyone can create a list. This means there may be reviews and ratings that the business hasn't even seen.

Why businesses should desire customer reviews on review websites

The importance of responding to customers online could not be more than important, as reviews are oftentimes the first betoken of contact a potential client has with a business . Aside from the fact that reviews from customers help other customers decide whether they should visit a business or not, business reviews are now more prevalent on search results pages.

How can businesses become more reviews?

There are a variety of methods a business can employ to inquire for more business reviews, including emailing consumers manually, asking consumers to leave reviews with codes and review sites on their receipts, or utilizing review generation software to automate the business review process.

Business reviews can now appear in search results

In Google's markup—the annotated content that appears in search—of a company or production, business organisation reviews and ratings tin can now be included in search results. In other words, when a user performs a search on Google, Google volition discover and possibly brandish review summaries from online business reviews and consumer ratings. Below is an case of how business organisation reviews at present showing up in search results.

Reviews example

Business reviews are hither to stay

In conclusion, there'southward no getting away from business reviews. Sorry folks. The good news is that there are methods to go more business reviews  as well equally effectively managing reviews from customers .

Also, businesses needn't fear most negative online reviews , there are ways to negate the effect of negative reviews (encounter what we did at that place?)!

The moral of the story: always respond to business reviews, whether they are good or bad

Indeed, the important take away here is that it is of import to answer to reviews, good or bad . Generally, it shows that a company cares about their consumers.


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